The beginning of this week was a tough one!
Ouch! |
First and foremost, there’s my health. During the weekend, I tripped over a canoe (how dumb, I know…) and I REALLY hurt my leg. As you can see from the picture, I have a HUUUUGE bruise, and as you can tell, it hurts a lot. But I am strong, I am gonna tough it out. Sure.
Then, on Monday morning at 5am I woke up with a very sore fingertip. You say whaaaat? Yeah, my fingertip. Left hand, fourth finger: I got an infection. The most likely reason of the infection is that I had a small cut (which could have been caused by my addiction to biting my nails…) and it got infected during my workout on Sunday night. Whatever the cause, it was very painful. I kind of ignored it on Monday, because I was very busy writing my pitch for E-Launch…
But when I woke up on Tuesday… Ahi ahi carramba! It hurt! Too bad I had an appointment with my counselor at 8:30am, work in the Math Lab 9-11am, Art History class 11:10am-12:30pm, and then my Introduction to Philosophy class 12:45-2:05pm. After that, I had to go to the International Student Office and to visit the Philosophy tutor for a mandatory notes check. Finally, I only had about two hours to learn and refine a 6-minute pitch that I wrote the night before. I thought I had no time to go to the doctor.
I was told I am going to need antibiotics for a week. I was not happy. Then, the doctor exported liquid from my finger with a syringe and it was the most painful thing ever. The finger would hurt just by touching it because of the infection, and the doctor stuck a needle inside my skin and pushed it deep into the infection. AAAAAA Only the thought of it makes me shiverrrrr. So painful. After that, I bought myself a donut— which always helps— and I went back to school. I had to miss my Philosophy class but I was able to get everything else done.
I got the chocolate chip maple bar... |
Overall, I was happy about my day because my E-Launch presentation was very successful, so that was a great day to end my day. Unfortunately, my partner Isaac is very busy with school and he decided to drop the class; so now I am left doing all of the work by myself. This is a big challenge, but I am up for it.
The assignment for this Tuesday’s class was to prepare a 6-minute presentation, combining the first three 2-minute pitches for my business plan. The presentation covered Problem, Solution, Industry, Intellectual Property, Competition, Target Market, and Marketing Strategy, as well as team credibility. Having to work on all this by myself, I actually rolled up my sleeves and worked really hard. After my pitch, the professor said this was the best pitch she’s heard from my team so far. I was initially very nervous, but in the end, I was proud of myself for being able to make many improvements and to master the presentation.
A presto,