Sunday, September 27, 2015

Student Ambassadors' Beach Volleyball Tournament

The beach volleyball tournament was a success!

Every semester, the SBCC Student Ambassadors Program, sponsored by the International Student Support Program, organizes a beach volleyball tournament for Santa Barbara Students.

First, let me tell you a little about who we are, so if you see us around in our red shirts you can say hi! :)

Ambassadors are volunteers who work together to engage the diverse groups of Santa Barbara City College, reaching out to new and continuing students from around the world, campus organizations, and to the Santa Barbara community.
Ambassadors provide peer support to international students in their transition to SBCC and to US culture, and act as positive role models to students, guiding them through the college experience. We also plan and organize events for international students and the SBCC community to get together and make connections. Check out our Facebook Page for more info:

Although the beach volleyball tournament is just one of the many events organized by the Student Ambassadors, it constantly ranks as one of the most successful events semester after semester... probably because it’s on the beach! The cost of attendance is $5 and it includes unlimited pizza for lunch and lots of water. In addition, the players of the winning team get $30 each as the first prize, the second placed team win $15, and the thirds qualify for free move tickets.

Beach in the morning

This semester, I was the leader organizer of the tournament. This means I led a committee of Ambassadors in order to make this event happen.

This also means I had the wonderful opportunity to see the beach at 7:00am, because I had to go set up! Around 9:00am, teams started checking in, and the tournament started around 10:00am.

A few of the 12 teams that signed up were composed of average players, seeking a fun afternoon at the beach; however, some teams had very skilled players, which made the tournament a very exciting and enjoyable event to watch as a spectator, as well. The Student Ambassadors volunteered as referees and score-keepers, served the pizza, and helped with cleanup at the end of the event.

Overall, it was a very enjoyable afternoon. If you are interested in taking part in the Soccer Tournament, Singing competition, or the many other Ambassadors events throughout the semester, stay tuned! It's always fun to meet new people in a positive and friendly environment!

A presto,

- Fede

Friday, September 25, 2015

An Intense Friday

What a busy day!

SBCC Honors Program Logo
Today I woke up early, got on my bike, and went to get a haircut. Why does this matter? Because it’s Friday! Come on, who wants to wake up early on Friday? However, this is also part of the life of a busy college student. After making my head way more aerodynamic, I biked home super fast, took a shower, and then asked my housemate Nate to give me a ride to school, because I couldn't carry my suit on my bike without messing it all up…

I had a meeting with the leadership of the Honors Program, and we discussed interesting upcoming events
(check out our Facebook page!!).

After that, I ran to the Captains meeting together with other two Student Ambassadors. Why? Because tomorrow (Saturday) it’s the official semi-annual SBCC Beach Volleyball Tournament, brought to you by the Student Ambassadors Program and the International Student Support Program! You definitely should come check it out at West Beach and make some new friends! There will be many spectators, too!
Are you still wondering why did I need to bring my suit to school?

Phi Theta Kappa Shirts
Well, I am getting there! After Captains Meeting, followed by the Ambassadors meeting, I put on my Phi Theta Kappa shirt and started setting up for the PTK Induction Ceremony. Phi Theta Kappa is the National Honors Society for 2-year colleges. You must have a 3.5 GPA to become a member, and if you do, I highly recommend applying! Wanna know one of the many benefits? $37 MILLION in scholarship baby, get ready to fill out some online forms! Hey, it’s free money, right? In addition, you get recognition on your transcript, and swag regalia at graduation! ;)

This semester, SBCC Chapter of Phi Theta Kappa, Beta Gamma Upsilon, broke a new record: over 160 new members, testifying for the high achievements of our amazing school (#1)!!

Example of Deliciousness

The Induction Ceremony began at 5:00pm sharp. And just like the time, the people looked pretty sharp, too. PTK acceptance is a big deal! Business attire is required. After enjoying all the delicious free food, the new members pledged allegiance to the Society and were inducted.

As the Vice President of Leadership of Phi Theta Kappa, I have to say it is an honor and a privilege to be part of a team of like-minded individuals, a great way to build long-lasting relationships— just in case you were interested in applying. So that is what the suit served for! I had to stand in front of over 160 students and many many parents! ;)

Definitely not the average Friday. I got home at 9:00pm and I was pretty tired… But experiences like this fill my college experience with meaning and true satisfaction. If you see what I mean, give it a thought. Apply to become part of one of the many wonderful Academic Programs Santa Barbara City College has to offer.

Phi Theta Kappa - Beta Gamma Upsilon Leadership
     A presto,


Monday, September 21, 2015

Here I am!

Hi there! My name is Federico, but my friends call me Fede.
SBCC: #1 Community College in the nation.

I am from Italy and I love my Land. However, traveling the world and studying abroad has taught me how wonderful it is to interconnect with other cultures and become a citizen of the world.

After finishing high school as an exchange student in Washington State, I was awarded a U.S. high school diploma, which allowed me to enroll in an American college. Never would I have thought to mature so much in one year as to feel comfortable leaving my country and beginning a new chapter of my life- after all, I was only 17 years young!
However, diploma in one hand and mouse in the other, I started hunting for colleges still accepting applications in June... I was looking for a multi-ethnic place where I could blend into the American culture while still breathing in an international vibe.

I was looking for a renowned college, which would offer me opportunities to explore my passions, and open for me the gates to a successful education and future. I was looking for a place where I could be myself and begin my American adventure. That's how I found Santa Barbara City College, #1 Community College in the nation.

As all of you current students know - and as all of you prospective students should notice - Santa Barbara City College is a rarely amazing place to be. The campus is gorgeous, right on the ocean. The weather is perfect, and everybody is friendly. The classes are challenging, and the professors very well prepared. If you get injured, somebody will take you to class on a golf kart. Isn't that amazing? Also, the college offers so many opportunities to demonstrate you leadership and express your talents, through volunteer, jobs, and several educational programs. 
An example of Santa Barbara diverse community :)

In addition, the Santa Barbara community is just perfect for you. How do I know? Because it is so welcoming, anybody would feel home. People are always happy and relaxed, and it's not uncommon for complete strangers to smile at you in the street or stop to have a short conversation. Furthermore, from hiking to surfing, there is a very wide range of activities to have fun with your friends. And don't forget that Santa Barbara students are also the best at night parties! ;)

My awesome international housemates!

One more thing I love about my life here is having awesome international housemates. We created ever-lasting relationships that unite us as a family.

In summation, I love studying at SBCC.

A vibrant, diverse, friendly community, this college offers opportunities for any type of interest. It will be on you to take advantage of them and seek the best for yourself. I myself am part of several Programs and extra-curricular activities at school, and I am excited to tell you more about them in my future posts.

- Fede