Commonly known as “hump dayyyyy,” Wednesday is actually my rest-day of the week. While I have class 9am to 9pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays, on Wednesdays I have no classes at all. My only commitment is a 1-hour meeting with the Leadership Board of Phi Theta Kappa, from 5:30pm to 6:30pm.
It is great to know that no matter how stressful my Tuesday may be, I don't have to worry about my next day, because I can just sleep in if I want to catch up on rest. I like Wednesdays because the fact that I am not going to class gives me extreme motivation to workout, so I give my best on that day and I really enjoy it. I wrote a post a few months ago specifically talking about workouts, and you can find it here if you are interested.
My Wednesday morning was therefore pretty average, but in the early afternoon I went for the first time to a meeting of the SBCC Entrepreneur Club. My friend Isaac (one of my best friends and my partner in E-Launch) is the Vice-President of that club. We were supposed to meet at 1pm in order to work on our business idea for the Enterprise Launch class. As I mentioned in my last post, our next step is to figure out what is our target market, and then reach out to our target customers and interview them, in order to learn what they think about our idea and then analyze the data to elaborate an effective marketing strategy.
Instead, I ended up in the middle of his club’s meeting, and I have to say I really enjoyed it. The club is pretty small, with less than 10 people actually involved. But they are all very passionate, and I already got to meet most of them in the past one way or another. I liked the club meeting because the young entrepreneurs and the wanna-be-entrepreneurs (like me) that were there discuss on interesting business ideas and dream big. Entrepreneurship is a fascinating lifestyle because bases its success upon the goal of improving society.
When the meeting was over I walked over to the Library, found a quiet spot, and I took my Art History online midterm. This was the first time I took an online exam, and my professor said he makes the exam very hard, because he has no way to check on us since we can take the exam at home on a computer. Although some of the questions were phased in a way that multiple answers could have worked, I personally didn’t find the exam to be all that hard, but probably it is just a result of the fact that I prepared for it. In addition, when studying for my SAT exam, I learned that when taking multiple choice tests, it’s always a smart idea to eliminate the answers that are for sure incorrect, and then take the ones the make sense, and read them a second time focusing on what the question is actually asking. Most of the times, it is possible to realize that in the context outlined by the question, only one of the answers is actually correct in any sense, while other answer choices may be true under certain conditions, but not under others. If you find yourself claiming: "But... both C and E are TRUEEE!!!," then you just have to ask yourself... "Which one is more true?" Or "Which one is true most of the times in this specific context?" After all, only one answer is the correct one, and an educated guess will usually lead to good results! :) I ended up with a 98%, which made me proud of myself.
A presto,
- Fede
A presto,
- Fede
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