Friday, October 30, 2015

Stay in Shape!

As I promised, in this post I am going to talk about how to stay healthy and in good shape.

First of all, it’s critical to point out two necessities for every individual trying to stay in shape. Eat well most of the times, and sleep well most of the nights.

Here is why.

The first thing you’ve got to know is that an extra cookie will not add to your loathsome belly fat, if you are willing to renounce eating that serving of broccoli that you craved so much (haha). What?! Seriously. Every day you get fatter or thinner based on your calorie intake. You take in calories by eating food and drinking the gallons of coffee you secretly chug every morning, and you burn calories by being alive (breathing, thinking, talking, moving…) and working ou
t. If your calorie intake is less than what your metabolism burns in a day— no matter if the calories came from cookies or from veggies—, part of the energy not supplied by calories will be taken from your fat reserves, ergo you're loosing fat. Good job!
Careful though: cookies (and fat foods in general) are packed with calories, so if you eat a little you will intake a lot of calories but you will not be full… That’s why you should eat cookies moderately!

Second, please believe me when I say that sleeping is fundamental if you're trying to build muscle, lose fat, or generally get more in shape. When you hit the gym, your muscles are not growing… They are actually tearing up… Exercising “breaks” the fibers in your muscle, so that when you go to sleep, your body has a chance to create new cells to fill up the “cracks” in your muscle. That’s when your muscle is growing.
You wanna look like this? :D
Ok, but if you're trying to get fit, you will agree that exercising is of fundamental importance! Sure, you could go to the gym, but that has some drawbacks. It is expensive, it takes up big chunks of time, and the benefits are mostly temporary: eventually you'll get tired of it, and two or three months after quitting you’ll have lost all your progress. Also, do realize that since they provide your momentum and absorb your body weight, machines like treadmills and exercise bikes burn very little calories, and while targeted lifting is perfect for making your muscles bigger, it won't help your metabolism that much, so it won’t get you fit or shredded, just bigger.

If you are a girl and do mostly cardio at the gym, or if you are a guy and you are just trying to gain mass, then lifting is good for you. Eat a lot of food and exercise to keep your body on tone. (If you're a girl and trying to gain mass, please stop immediately! ;). If you're trying to get the best shape, however, be mindful. When you exercise, you will start eating more food, and if your metabolism isn't working at 100% of its potential, you will gain muscular mass AND fat. That’s why is is very important that you do the right type of exercises. If you still want to lift, good for you. But for optimal results… you might wanna check out the advice in my next post!

A presto,

- Fede

Friday, October 23, 2015

Keep your balance and stay healthy!

This period of the semester we are all very busy with midterms. Remaining focused and studying hard is important. But remember that having some balance and staying healthy is also fundamental.

If you know that Saturday night you won’t study anyway, make sure you actually go out and have fun. Always make the most of whatever time you have, because time is one of the most valuable things we have.

So my rule is: never waste time. If I am not studying, working, or doing anything else that I must do, I always make sure that I am employing my free time in the best possible way. So don’t get lazy, and if you’re free don’t just stay home and chill, but actually go spend some quality time outside! Notice, I said quality time. Whatever that means to you, try to get home safe! Here I am talking about balance, not suggesting to get wasted every night ;)  As long as you wake up conscious, getting distracted will definitely help you study better the next day!

Eating a healthy diet is also extremely important. I know unhealthy food is way easier and faster to make, but why don't you try to google healthy fast recipes? Perhaps the reason why you don't eat healthy sometimes is because you don't buy the right food. Learn more about what you put inside of you, and you will start adapting your choices to your tastes.

Finally, make sure you get enough sleep. Seriously. Don’t pull all-nighters, and don't study at night. Study in the morning. “But I have to” is an excuse, and it’s not true. Stop checking Facebook 15 times a day. Stop checking Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter, and whatever apps consumes your life, and suddenly you'll have more time. Don’t multitask (fly-mode when you study, please) and you’ll get it done faster. Then you can check your notifications, and do whatever you like to do, and still go to bed at a decent time. “But I am just so busy…” Trust me, as an aspirant Ivy League transfer, I know something about being busy. It’s all about how focused you are. Get more sleep and I can promise you that you will be less distracted and get more stuff done.

There are innumerable studies that demonstrate that getting enough sleep and most importantly quality sleep is critical. And the best time to sleep is from 10pm to 6 am. I myself sleep from midnight to 8am, but the closer you are to the 10am-6am interval, the best it is. As you probably already know, sleeping will make you feel more relaxed the next day, will help you remember things better, and build you a stronger immunity system. Most curiously, sleeping time is also the time when your brain learns the most, and your muscles build tissues.

More on how to stay in shape in the next post. I will share some awesome workouts and condense what I know about the topic.

Time for dinner. Burger & chips or salmon & kale?

A presto,

- Fede

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Did I hear International?

It seems like I have some readers from abroad. Awesome! In this post, I will talk about how the American education system works and tell you why I like it better then over in Europe!

First, you need to know that in America there are two types of degrees: the Associate Degree (or 2-year degree) obtainable at a community college; and the Bachelor’s Degree, obtainable at a 4-year university. Community colleges are a more and more broadly diffused resource to receive a high-quality education while limiting expenses. Tuition (the cost for attending classes) for international students tends to be a lot more expensive than for domestic students (sometimes, like in the case of most community colleges, three times more,) so that one year’s tuition at a prestigious university can cost around $50,000. Community colleges are much cheaper than that, and the level of education is rigorous as well, so it actually is a very smart decision to obtain a General Education from a community college and then transfer to pursue a Bachelor’s Degree.

Once you have an idea of what Program of Study/Major to pursue, you will pick your classes based on your Major requirements, General Education requirements, and classes that you will enjoy, which are referred to as “Electives.” Academic counselors are a fundamental resource to create an effective Educational Plan. In my opinion, this is an excellent system, because it allows plenty of room for your interests, while challenging directly your sense of responsibility, your level of maturity, and your personal ambition, because you are in control.

 While European universities offer pretty much the same academic program to students who go for the same major, here in the States you will have an opportunity to personalize your path, make it unique and special, and enrich it with innumerable merits and awards.

So, to all of you prospective International Students: do realize that leaving home to build your own future with your hands is an astonishing and fulfilling experience. Here at Santa Barbara City College, you will have a real opportunity to approach college in a way that will help you grow, stand out, and succeed in life.

A presto,

- Fede

Friday, October 16, 2015

Communiation Classes (Y)

You guys should take a couple of communications classes. I am not a COMM major, nor do I plan to be one. I am actually only taking one comm class, because that’s all my Ed. plan allows, and that is Public Speaking.

Terrifying, right?

Yet let me tell you something. You’re in college. And college is supposed to get you out of your comfort zone.

Just like now you don't have your mommy cooking you dinner every night anymore (and if you do, screw you— it’s so unfair! :) jk! ) soon you won’t even have a professor telling you what to do to achieve success (i.e., fill in the bubble with a 2A pencil).

You are growing older, and soon you will be on your own.

Now, you also have got to realize that this world is a jungle, especially America. You know how many people are in the world this very second? I bet you can't get the number right. Check it out here: (click now, then keep reading. Especially look recent deaths and new births!)

You still feel so special?

There’s over 7 billion of us out there. How are you special? Well, according to Dr. Kommen Sens from Ophcorse University, it turns out that one of the best ways to impress other people is by being able to communicate well. Communications classes teach you that. I have many friends who took interpersonal communications (COMM 121).

In that class, you learn things like “I statements” vs. “You-statements.” So, next time you fight with your boyfriend, don’t tell him “You are an a**hole,” but tell him “When you do ____, I feel upset and disappointed.” And watch his reaction. You have just proclaimed yourself official winner of the fight, with such an easy device.

Even more fun than 121, is 131: Public Speaking. Especially if you take it with Prof. Cameron Subblett, who is hopefully reading this and giving me extra credit. ?? Kidding, but seriously: he is super cool. Today I actually gave my second speech. And I’ve gotta say! It’s hard! You know, when I give the speech to the wall, it’s a triumph! But then in front of the audience everything is more stressful. Oph corse, that’s everybody’s problem. Being the one who is speaking, with everybody else’s eyes pointed at you, probably freaks you out… However, delivering a speech to a group of supportive classmates who are also about to give their own speech, makes it easier. You feel less on the spot, because when you deliver your speech you are aware that it is just your turn, but in 5 minutes someone else will be up. The class is also structured in order to build confidence and skills gradually, whereas the first speech (2-3 minutes) is just introductory, the second (4-5 mins) is informative, and only the third (5 mins) will be persuasive. The course final consists in a group presentation which shall last about 10-15 mins. This structure helps the students focus on speech structure, audience analysis, delivery, and every important feature of a good speech, one at a time.

You are definitely welcome to check out my videos if you wanna laugh at me and feel good about it.

#1) Introductory Speech: "My Astrological Sign" (Topic and Structure were assigned my instructor):

#2) Informative Speech: "Light and Colors" (it must inform about a scientifically true topic)

And really, do consider taking this class. It is UC transferable ;)

A Presto,

- Fede

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Many Events Coming Up!

So many interesting events are coming up!

Today (Thursday, the 8th) at 2:30 is the first “Tea With a Professor” event of the semester. This event, organized by the Honors Program, is an excellent opportunity for students part of the SBCC Honors Program to get to know a professor outside of the classroom. Today, our special guest will be Honors English Professor Melissa Menendez. The event will be held at the Cafeteria on West Campus, where snacks and soft drinks will be provided, and the first 10 Honors Students who show up will receive the special Honors Shirt.
This is also an opportunity for SBCC students interested in the Honors Program to get to know Honors students and professors in a stimulating casual environment.
Tomorrow (Friday, the 9th) is the deadline to apply to the SBCC Encores Singing Competition Event, powered by SBCC Student Ambassadors. This event had a great turnout fall semester 2014, and after several requests, we have decided to offer it again! The competition is open to all SBCC students, and all participants will receive participation prices and a certificate. The 3 best singers will be rewarded with considerably higher prices. Learn more on the Ambassadors Facebook event page:
Although the deadline is tomorrow, the event will be on the 24th of October, and Ambassadors are usually pretty flexible with deadlines ;)

Next Thursday, (October, 15th) Phi Theta Kappa Beta Gamma Upsilon chapter together with Department of Political Science will present a lecture on the 200th Anniversary of The Congress of Vienna and The Concert of Europe. Department Chair of Political Science/Economics Dr. M.M. Eskandari-Qajar will lecture on these significant historic events and share the unique experience from his visit in Vienna earlier this year. Learn more on the Phi Theta Kappa Facebook page:

Next Saturday, (October, 17th) Phi Theta Kappa is going to participate in the event Making Strides Against Brest Cancer. This is a great opportunity for students interested in community service, because it deals with an important cause. Donate or join our team here:

Also, many college representatives are visiting SBCC. Noticeably, a representative ASU will be on campus on Monday, and one from Ivy League Columbia University in New York City will come on November 3. Visit to stay up to date.

Many more events and volunteering opportunities are coming up, including a Walk for the United Nations Association of Santa Barbara on October, 24, Trick or Treat Halloween fundraiser event for UNICEF, including halloween movie, costumes, and prizes, Halloween Cleanup in Isla Vista on November 1st, and Oxford Union Style Debate on November 6. More info to come!

A Presto!
