You guys should take a couple of communications classes. I am not a COMM major, nor do I plan to be one. I am actually only taking one comm class, because that’s all my Ed. plan allows, and that is Public Speaking.
Terrifying, right?
Yet let
me tell you something. You’re in college. And college is supposed to get
you out of your comfort zone.

Just like now you don't have your mommy
cooking you dinner every night anymore (and if you do, screw you— it’s
so unfair! :) jk! ) soon you won’t even have a professor telling you
what to do to achieve success (i.e., fill in the bubble with a 2A
You are growing older, and soon you will be on your own.
Now, you also have got to realize that this world is a jungle,
especially America. You know how many people are in the world this very
second? I bet you can't get the number right. Check it out here: (click
now, then keep reading. Especially look recent deaths and new births!)
You still feel so special?
There’s over 7 billion of us out there. How are you special? Well, according to Dr. Kommen Sens from Ophcorse University, it turns out that one of the best ways to impress other people is by being able to communicate well. Communications classes teach you that. I have many friends who took interpersonal communications (COMM 121).

In that class, you learn things like “I statements” vs. “You-statements.” So, next time you fight with your boyfriend, don’t tell him “You are an a**hole,” but tell him “When you do ____, I feel upset and disappointed.” And watch his reaction. You have just proclaimed yourself official winner of the fight, with such an easy device.

Even more fun than 121, is 131: Public Speaking. Especially if you take it with Prof. Cameron Subblett, who is hopefully reading this and giving me extra credit. ?? Kidding, but seriously: he is super cool. Today I actually gave my second speech. And I’ve gotta say! It’s hard! You know, when I give the speech to the wall, it’s a triumph! But then in front of the audience everything is more stressful. Oph corse, that’s everybody’s problem. Being the one who is speaking, with everybody else’s eyes pointed at you, probably freaks you out… However, delivering a speech to a group of supportive classmates who are also about to give their own speech, makes it easier. You feel less on the spot, because when you deliver your speech you are aware that it is just your turn, but in 5 minutes someone else will be up. The class is also structured in order to build confidence and skills gradually, whereas the first speech (2-3 minutes) is just introductory, the second (4-5 mins) is informative, and only the third (5 mins) will be persuasive. The course final consists in a group presentation which shall last about 10-15 mins. This structure helps the students focus on speech structure, audience analysis, delivery, and every important feature of a good speech, one at a time.
You are definitely welcome to check out my videos if you wanna laugh at me and feel good about it.
#1) Introductory Speech: "My Astrological Sign" (Topic and Structure were assigned my instructor):
#2) Informative Speech: "Light and Colors" (it must inform about a scientifically true topic)
And really, do consider taking this class. It is UC transferable ;)
A Presto,
- Fede