As we approach the end of the semester, many projects come up as “due soon…” In my art class, the professor has been kind of confused about the syllabus throughout the semester, and now it turns out we have a lot of assignments that are due. We have a quiz on Thursday, 2 essays, 2 project responses, and an artistic/creative project due, in addition to a final exam and another in class quiz. In other words, it is going to be a very artistic weekend...
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Statue of a Kouros (Archaic) |
I am going to write one essay about the different stages of Greek art, and analyze some of the sculptures and artistic representations from each of the three periods.
Specifically, the Archaic period is characterized by emotionless and often rigid poses; a common practice of Archaic Greek sculpture is the Kouros. The figure portrayed is not a particular person, but an idealized youth. The figure is emotionless and still, both Archaic traits.
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Satyr Pouring Wine (Classical) |
The Archaic period eventually gave way to the idealized beauty and blossoming realism of Classical art. For example. the "Satyr Pouring Wine" is a Classical statue that has evolved into a more naturalistic pose, while retaining the idealized beauty of the Archaic sculptures. The face is more realistic and begins to show traces of emotion.
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Aphrodite and Eros (Hellenistic) |
Finally, the Hellenistic period is characterized by a distinct naturalism, emotion, and dynamism. For example, the Aphrodite and Eros is much more detailed than the works prior. Idealized beauty is still prominent, but it is displayed more dynamically through the "transparency" and "weight" of the marble.
The second essay will be about Roman art, and I will focus on a compare and contrast of Roman and Greek sculpture. I found the Roman art to be the most interesting part of the class, mostly because all that art is from Italy just like me.
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Augustus of Primaporta (Roman) |
Today I also got back my Philosophy midterm, and I was happy (and a little surprised) to notice I earned a 92 on it! That was very good, as I didn't think I prepared that well, but sometimes you can just figure out what the correct answer is by knowing the basics and using some logic. The best score in the class was a 93, which means I did a really good job earning one of the highest scores in the class.
At the beginning of my Philosophy lecture I made an announcement in front of the class to advertise the second part of the Economic Club of Santa Barbara’s event on America Inequality. This event, featuring congressional candidate William Ostrander, focused on Wealth Inequality, and tried to offer an explanation of how this issue affects the economy at large and all of us as a result. This sounded very interesting to me, but unfortunately I was not able to attend, because I had to prepare for my business presentation at 5:30pm.
If there is one thing that I have learned from my Entrepreneurship class, is to work in a high-stress environment and improvise. For instance, most of the time I find myself memorizing a speech right before I give it, leaving very little time for practice. For example, today’s speech was 8 minutes long, and there was a problem with WiFi at school, so I had to give the speech presenting from my laptop instead of using a projector and a clicker. Nonetheless, I did a very good job and I also got some good insights from my professor.
After school, I sprinted to catch the bus to IV, and then I went out to the restaurant with my friend Adam to celebrate his 23rd birthday. We went to Chilly’s and ordered two fat prime-rib burritos and they were delicious. I told the host that it was Adam’s birthday, and after dinner all the waiters came to our table singing happy birthday, and brought Adam a ball of ice-cream with chocolate on top, and a nice candle on it.
It was a long day but it was very nice.
Tomorrow is going to be another full day!
A presto,
- Fede
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