This morning was WAAAYYYY different than any other morning in my life.
First of all I had trouble sleeping all night because tomorrow I am going to find out whether I have been accepted to the Haas School of Business at UC Berkley or not. I kept waking up, only to look at the time on my phone and realize it was early, then try to go back to sleep… Finally, at 7am, the alarm went off. I took a shower, had breakfast, and then…
Peter, the cameraman who is handling the project, showed up to my house around 8:15am. He asked me a few questions about myself, and then we started filming. He had me do a few of those things that a person would do while getting ready for school, grabbing a cereal box from the closet, putting my shoes on, packing my backpack. Particularly, we repeated the action of putting my laptop and water bottle inside of my backpack and then zip it closed several times and from different angles.
Peter on my couch, ready to film |
Apparently, they want to have a few shots about students getting ready for school and commuting to school, which will be at the beginning of the final video. That’s way they came to my house this morning!
So I told them that the way I commute is I carpool with my friend Alyssa. She comes pick me up around 8:30am, but today she came a little later. Peter took a shot of me opening the door of my house, walking out, and waving at Alyssa as I walked toward the car. Then he took a shot of me opening the car door and getting in the car: it was funny and weird at the same time, but also pretty cool.
Then something unexpected happened. He jumped in the car, and wanted to ride with us to school. It was kind of an awkward situation because the car was pretty messy and we also had to go pick up another friend, Kate, to carpool with us. Peter kind of squeezed in the back seat with his huge camera and he asked us to talk and look at each other. It’s cool because the camera only records the video but not the sound, so we were just talking nonsense at the beginning. Once we got more accustomed to the fact that a person was filming us, we actually started talking about things that made sense.
When we got to Kate’s house, she was right outside waiting for us. The car stops, and Peter opens the door and jumps out the car to let Kate get in. Her face expression was priceless, she was so shocked! She had no idea any of this would happen, so she was a little confused but also excited, as we told her what was going on. Her comment was: “I would have dressed better if you guys had told me!” Alyssa and I were sorry but we thought it was hilarious.
We kept talking normally throughout the ride to school, a part for one specific time when Peter asked me to turn around and talk to Kate, who was sitting in the back seat; he instructed me to “say anything…” so, I said something in Italian and they were all confused and laughed.
When we got to school, Peter followed us on our way to class and it was still a little weird but really cool. We were just walking casually and a guy with a big camera was following us. All the students were looking at us wondering what was going on. When we got to class, or— to be precise— to the Math Lab where I work as a tutor (yes, I was late to work) Peter thanked us and said goodbye. It was a very particular and funny way to start the morning.
Hopefully, the rest of the day will be great too!
A Presto,
- Fede
I love this! SO glad you were pick to help out :)